Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Must Visit Beachside Roadside Trips

The best beachside roadside trips...
Although you may think the key element to the success of a road trip lies in its spontaneity and the thrill of the unknown, the travels experts over at Beach Tomato know full well, that this is not actually the case, and when it comes to reality, it’s no bad thing to have some sort of strategy. So they've stepped behind the wheel for us, and chosen three of their best beach road trips. And whether it’s the unspoilt beauty of South Africa, the mouth-watering scenery of Vietnam or just pure California dreaming that really gets your motor going, Beach Tomato can organise each trip, uniquely tailored and bespoke to you.

South Africa: From Cape Town To Coffee Bay - It maybe the road-trippers favourite, but travel into the wild coast that lies beyond to discover rugged beach beauty at its best.

Also read:

Start your road trip off in the boho-beach town of Muizenberg, with a delicious breakfast, complete with a jaw-dropping beach view. With a slightly edgier vibe than expected, this quirky little town lies picturesque, scattered with an array of rainbow-coloured Victorian beach huts, by the sea. Let your sense guide you to the next stop on the Garden Route, Nature's Valley, where the jagged mountains are softened by the luscious green jungle and the sounds of serenity can be heard rolling on by. Oh nature's valley where have you been all our lives? Beyond Port Elizabeth and into the wild coast lies little coffee bay, whose gold sands unfold onto the Mpako River, in the last leg of its journey into the south Indian sea. With spectacular views of tumbling hills, Coffee Bay is a definite road trip high light.

California: From LA to San Francisco - In true American-movie road trip style begin in the heart of LA, Santa Barbara, before meandering down the coastline, in your vintage Chevrolet, to San Fran.

Boasting scattered palm trees, swaying ferns and a wharf gilded with yachts, the East beach in Santa Monica oozes beauty. Your next stop falls into the somewhat secret and pretty hard to find beach category, the Big Sur. Breaking the usual Cali mould, this rugged coastline is home to Pfeiffer Beach, with its purple sand and peppered with rock pools it boasts eye watering views out across the ocean. Next on the list, 17-Mile Drive, a visual treat of panoramic views and magnificent surroundings, accessed only via a private stretch called Pebble Beach. Again this is not your typical Californian beach for sunbathing, but then again, as we always insist, that's not what all beaches are for. Most, but not all.

Vietnam: From Hanoi to Phu Quoc - From the spicy street on Hanoi to Pho Quoc island, explore Vietnams stunning stretch of coastline both by car and bicycle.

Nestled in the surround Cat Ba national park, just half an hours boat ride from Halong Bay, lies little Lan Ha Bay. With over 130 bijou beaches, most too small to even weigh down a name, paddle out, kayak-style  and explore these nameless specks of paradise and the slithers of sand they call their own. After this continue on to the 20 miles of sweet sprawling, silky sand, sweeping the breadth of Cua Dai. Here personal space come as part of the package, with Cua Dai literally translating as 'Big Sea Mouth', a spot physically unable to disappoint, with miles of, what seems like, never ending coastline at your disposal. It starts at the ancient romantic town of Hoi An and weaves along the coast to the city of Da Nang. Kick back and soak in the panorama, before setting off to Phu Quoc, in the gulf of Thailand, were you will be greeted with some of Southeast Asia’s most beautiful beaches. Bai Sao beach may be a little tricky to get to, but with helpful local willing to lend a hand it is well worth the effort to visit this isolated tropical treat. Here you can enjoy some of the sumptuous seafood and have yourself a seriously scrumptious beach break.

Monday, November 7, 2011

More Sales Closing Techniques Equal More Profitable Sales

he key to increasing your closing ratio is to have multiple closing techniques.
Why are some salespeople successful at turning the rejection into a sale?
For many it’s as simple as having 3-5 closing techniques they feel very comfortable using.
Too many salespeople are so afraid of closing that they only have one or maybe two different ways to ask for the order.  You have to work at it. The closing techniques you use must be comfortable to you. This means you have to use them on a regular basis.
Before I share with you a few of the better closing techniques, let me challenge you to first break out of your rut and always push yourself to make sure you’re using different approaches as a way of keeping your skills sharp for when you do need them.   This is no different than the golfer who never practices with their wedge.  When it does come time for them to use their wedge to get out of tough trap, they won’t know how to do it.
Same thing can happen with closing sales. You must practice various closing techniques before you need them.
A few of the better closing techniques I recommend include:
Biggest need: Positions your offer as the best way to satisfy the critical need they have.  “You do have a huge need and this is the best way to help you deal with it.”
Option close: Provide the customer with an option to allow them to feel like they’re making the decision.  “Would you like the blue or the black model?”
Assumptive close: This just builds off of the positive feedback the customer has provided to you throughout the call.  “Who should I talk to about getting the purchase order?”
Timely close: Plays off of the need to get the order in by a certain date to ensure it can ship on time or be able to take advantage of a discount.  “We’ll need to get the order in by the end of the day if we’re going to be able to ship it by your deadline.”
Best choice: Builds off of the buyer’s ego and their comments.  “You clearly are looking at the best package.”
Bandwagon: If a customer is not confident, this approach helps them feel safe.  “This is the best choice as it’s the same one everyone else is buying.”
Signature: A great approach for a customer who is very process driven. It merely entails giving them the contract to sign when it’s time to close the sale
Clear the desk: For the busy buyer, this plays to their ego and their workload.  “I know you’ve got a lot of other things you need to get to, so let’s go ahead and get this order taken care of right now.”
Early adopter: If you’re selling into a competitive industry, this approach works well for buyers looking to gain an edge. “If we order right now, you’ll be the first one to do so and you’ll have a big advantage.”
These are just a few of the many closes you could use.  The key is to know when to use them and when not to use them.
An example would be the “bandwagon” close — it would work well if you’re selling to a government entity, because they will feel safe knowing others are buying it.  On the other hand, a government entity would never respond positively to the “early adopter” close, due to the risk involved.
If I’m selling to a customer I know has a hard time making a decision, then I’m certainly not going to use the “option” close, but would most likely use the “best choice” approach.
Top performing salespeople are comfortable using different closing techniques. Let me challenge you over the next few weeks to start increasing the number of different closing techniques you feel good about using. Ultimately, more closing techniques result in more profitable sales.

Monday, September 19, 2011

Paisa Banao | Tips for Creating Good Wealth

Wealth creation is a time consuming, easy to understand and very difficult to implement process. There are no cut fast rules on how to create wealth.
Deepak Parekh, Uday Kotak, Rashesh Shah, Nirmal Jain, Raheja, Hiranandani, are all people who have created wealth by the greatest method. Run a good business, leverage with people and brand building. Leverage with geography and borrowed funds….then take the company public. By doing this every rupee of earning gets valued at 30 for Mr. Deepak Parekh (HDFC has a P/E of 30) and similar numbers for the others. These people made their money from equities, debt, commodities and of course listing their companies!  I am not talking that league, yet.
Let us see what all you should know — we will start with 10 steps:
1. Understand the Power of Compounding: it looks odd to realise that the power of compounding is NOT taught well at school! They give you some simple examples — rarely are you taught the POWER! Even people working in financial services do not appreciate the power of compounding. Ignore this only at YOUR OWN PERIL.
2. Understand the Power of NOW: LEARN the power of starting to compound as soon as possible in life. If you have not understood, NO TIME LIKE TODAY..pick up the pen, call the advisor, click on the net — whateva…just start, NOW, TODAY.
3. Understand the Power of Regularity — start a SIP AND make sure you do it regularly — not missing a single month. If by chance you do miss a month of investing, immediately pick up a cheque and send it in! At the end of a YEAR you should have invested 12* Amount being invested every month. If suddenly you have money, top up the SAME account.
4. Understand the power of Not Touching the Money for 'n' years: Capital and Wealth creation needs long periods of growth. If you do not touch the money for any sundry purpose, leave it untouched. This helps in compounding. REmember this for life!
5. Understand the power of LEARNING: If you are willing to wish to invest in equities — directly or through mutual funds,    learn as much  as possible about equities. Invest in learning, before you invest your money.
6. If you do not (or will not) learn about equities, never mind, learn the power of indexing in equities!
7. Learn simple things like keeping your accounts in an excel sheet and keep track of the paise….the rupee will take care of itself. Track your income, collect all monies due, track your expenses, track your investing and returns.
8. For events which you know invest. For sad events which MAY happen,insure. You never know….
9.Remember delayed gratification may not be easy, learn it. Food which gives 30 seconds of pleasure on the tongue stays in your waist for 30 years. I understand this….but when I see a sweet I still fall for it. Knowing and implementing are completely different animals. Alas!
10. Invest in education, training, health, travel and fun. Very important to remember do not forget the present for doing something great in the future. The future is important, but the present is vital.

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Eye Movement Reveal a Lot | Speak With Your Eyes

Eye movement can reveal a lot about a person’s level of confidence and commitment. Rapid movement of the eyes many times will indicate the person is not confident about what they are saying — or what they are hearing.

We simply do not pay enough attention to the eyes, whether it be our own eyes or those of the person to whom we are talking.  The eyes reveal a significant amount about a person, and yet over the past 25 years as a society, we’ve learned not to focus on eye contact.

I’m not sure if this is because of the percentage of our conversations that occur on-line and on the telephone — both scenarios where there is no eye contact — or if the decline in eye contact is due to something else.
If we can learn to give people good eye contact and, at the same time, use our eye contact to study them, I believe we can learn a significant amount about how they think and may react to what we’re discussing.

Rapid eye movement is but one indicator, but that in itself is huge, as it can tell us their level of confidence.  Confident people are calm, and calm people have stable eye movement. This is why many police officers use the eyes as a leading indicator when they’re talking to somebody.

Eye movement or eye contact also can tell us if the person is engaged with us or pre-occupied.  Yes, it’s very easy for people to pick up a person’s lack of interest if they are not giving us eye contact, but we can also tell by their level of focus.  When people are attentive to what you’re saying, their eyes will have far more focus than the aimless stare of the disengaged person.

What I find amazing about all of this is these are not complex insights. They are very basic.  Yet that’s what makes them so good, because so few people truly learn from the other person’s eyes. Raising our awareness to this one cue can open doors where we can gain valuable information.

One final thought — I may have shared this all in the context of watching someone else’s eyes, but don’t forget the same observations apply to your eyes as well.  So pay attention to what you are doing with your own eyes too.

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

WANT to go somewhere but don’t know the way? Here is the ANSWER

WANT to go somewhere but don’t know the way? Simple. Just punch in your destination on one of those websites that offer maps and – bingo – you will get directions on how to get there. Unfortunately, that’s not the case with your goals in life. Those websites don’t offer roadmaps to get to your goals!

Most young people have similar goals. They want to be loved, healthy, happy, and successful. And rich! And here’s the problem. As we set off on the journey towards our goals, two paths emerge ahead of us. One looks like a fast and easy road – full of short cuts. It’s the path of least resistance. And the other is a long hard road, often strewn with obstacles. And - no prizes for guessing – most of us take the easy way out!

And that becomes a habit. We look for short cuts all the time. We compromise. We don’t push ourselves to succeed; we merely set ourselves the objective of not failing. We don’t play to win. We just want to avoid losing.

And so we love tips like “If you study these three sections, you can get 35 marks”. Or ‘if you attend classes twice a week, you won’t be in the black list.” Unfortunately, this attitude pervades our life and becomes a habit. We stop striving for the greatness that we are all capable of. “Chalta Hai” becomes our defining motto. And as someone rightly said, ‘Good is the enemy of Great’.

There once lived a sculptor in a small town. He was working on a huge idol of a Goddess that he was making for the local temple, when a young man walked into his workshop. As the young man marveled at the idol, he suddenly noticed another idol, almost identical, lying on the ground. “Do you need two of these?” he asked. “No,” came the reply. “We only need one. But the first one got damaged in the finishing stages. Hence I am doing it again.”

The young man looked closely at the idol on the ground. It looked perfect. He could not see any signs of damage. “Where is the flaw?” he asked. “Look carefully,” said the sculptor, “and you will notice a scratch under the left eye.” “Wait a minute!” said the young man. “Where will this idol be installed?”

The sculptor explained that it would be on a platform fifteen feet high inside the temple. And the young man quickly retorted, “At that distance, who will know there is a scratch beneath the eye?” The sculptor smiled and said, “I will.”

Now that’s a good reminder of what excellence is all about. It comes from inside, not from outside. And it’s an attitude. One we would all do well to inculcate.

Commit to doing your best at all times. Don’t compromise, ever. Whatever you do, give off hundred percent. Aim to be the best at whatever you do. And do that not because someone else tells you to do it – but because YOU want to.

And make sure you always, always do the right thing. Don’t tell yourself it’s okay, no one will notice. Remember, someone is watching all the time. And that someone is you. Your character is defined not by how you behave when you know others are watching – but by what you do when no one is looking.

If you create an idol with a scratch and think no one will notice, you will soon find another scratch appearing in your work and then another. And you will spend a lot of time and effort hiding those scratches, covering up, hoping no one notices. And instead of becoming a master sculptor, you become a patch-up artist. And your life – instead of becoming a masterpiece – becomes just another flawed piece of work. And in either case, what makes the difference is not the skill. It’s always your attitude.

Get the sculptor’s attitude. Commit to excellence. And make your life a masterpiece.

Friday, March 11, 2011

My New Word Press Blog - I am Sure U will Like It

Dear Guys,

Here U go with my another WordPress Blog -

I am Happy to inform U about this my New Blog where U will find lots of DATA and Information about India and World.

I will come up with New Update.


Friday, February 25, 2011

Lucky Again & Again | Second Time Lucky

Five real-life couples share stories of how they found true love the second time round. Read the first story and get inspired.

Dreams are made of these

A relationship is like a boat in the ocean - you need to row for it to move forward, says 32-year-old Priyanka Contractor. Self-assured and charming, Mumbai based Priyanka oozes confidence, a far cry from the bruised and battered girl who walked out on her marriage a mere seven months after tying the knot. In hindsight, I think it was the best thing that happened to me, she says.

Priyanka met her ex-husband in 1999 - her final year of college. We were engaged in 2003 and married in 2005 I was 26 years old. I guess I should have seen the signs when his behaviour changed just before marriage. He cut off all communication with me. I thought it was just pre-wedding jitters, she says. He did not have the guts to say he didn't want to get married. I think he feared what society would say.

The first time

Married life from the very beginning was tense and lonely. He worked long hours while I waited till past midnight for him to return. When he distanced himself physically too, I knew there was something wrong, says Priyanka. And things were no better on the kitchen front. His mother had taken an instant dislike to me. It was a saas bahu serial kind of situation. She would put extra salt or chilli powder in the food that I had cooked to create problems. She didn't like the fact that I had a mind of my own.

My then husband chose not to support me. We fought constantly. When it became too much for me to bear, I left him - in March, 2006. After a short separation, I decided to give my marriage another chance. But things only got worse. There were two episodes of violence. I remember I was sitting in a corner, beaten black and blue, shaking and shivering. My mother-in-law came in and said, If you don't do what I want, you will get this every day! Priyanka is surprisingly calm as she narrates this. The last straw came when I found out that he was having an affair with a friend of his - she'd attended our wedding, and we met frequently socially. The sense of betrayal was unimaginable, and after a final row, she packed her bags and left for good.

Building myself

Post her breakup, Priyanka had a total physical and mental breakdown. I quit my job. Though the authorities at the school I taught in were understanding, the gossip about my failed marriage was getting to me. I didn't know where my life was headed, nor did I care. But my mother told me, Destroy yourself, build yourself, the choice is yours. It was an uphill task, but Priyanka slowly began to pick up the pieces of her shattered life. When you hit rock bottom, there is only one way, and that is up. So I got up and began to build my life again. Priyanka went through a gamut of therapies. I tried healing, cleansing of chakras, semi-hypnosis, becoming one with my aura But it was the series of sessions on forgiveness that helped her let go.

For Priyanka, it was important that she be able to think about her past without letting it affect her future. It took me a year to heal completely. My divorce released me. I felt free. I was able to turn my life around. And today when I talk about it, I feel no rancor. She then focused all her energy into setting up a new business. My friends said I was mad to chuck a comfortable job as a teacher and start on a venture that could lead to failure. But I had to prove to myself that I could do anything I set my heart on. Today I am happy to say I am doing well! And I owe it all to the person who told me I didn't have it in me to survive the corporate world and that all I was good for was a cushy teacher's job - my ex-husband. She is now busy conceptualising and manufacturing children's teaching aids.

The right partner

How did she meet Amit, her husband-to-be? I had gone to see a play at Prithvi Theatre with friends when I first met him. Initially, it was more of a hi-and-bye situation. We met regularly after that, and we connected. His proposal was almost like a fairytale. We were at a friend's place for a sleepover. It was well after midnight when I felt someone touch my hand. It was Amit. He slipped a ring on my finger and whispered, My commitment to you. Priyanka knew he was right for her.

With Amit, I started to understand what a man should be like. I needed a life partner in the true sense - a person who understands that marriage goes beyond the husband-wife relationship, they also need to be friends. And Amit is that man. We courted for two-and-a-half years. I have realised that Amit and I are two sides of the same coin. We are each other's strength and confidants. She strongly feels women who're faced by such challenges should not lose hope. See the brighter side of life. Every day is a challenge. It's also important to know when to quit. Fear of the unknown only succeeds in bogging you down. As for her ex-husband, says Priyanka, He's got married again. I just hope he is a better husband to his new wife than he was to me. Amit and Priyanka would have tied the knot by the time you read this article.

Saturday, February 12, 2011

Are you suffering from Poor Guidance Problem? Why to suffer further More! Contact us to help you

Respected Reader,

As per the analysis it reflects that out of 10, 7 people are suffering from poor guidance in their life.

As particular case in India, where still there is lots of illiteracy and economic welfare problem is there its very hard to expect a Good Guidance for the Children Life and challenging future. There are only very few section is there who have all the facilities to grow their Life but most of and larger section of India and other rural parts are still suffering with economic and Community welfare.

In this case we need to have some platfrom where we can get help to get ideas and resources available to make our future better. In this we BestGuidancewala would like to emerge ourselves as Good Portal which can help the audiences to make their Life and Carrier a better Place to work for and Live Life smoothly.


Monday, February 7, 2011

Nehru Planetarium Mumbai | Come Mumbai and See the Science on Earth

Nehru Centre was conceived in 1972, not as a mute memorial, but as living testament and monument of faith in Jawaharlal Nehru's vision of man, his compassion for humanity, his concern for humanbeings and his undying passion to lift them to the greatest and highest purpose.
The planetarium was only the first phase of an ambitious memorial that truly reflects the awe inspiring spirit of a man who meant so much to three generations of Indians and which continues to inspire the present generation.
Nehru Planetarium: A centre for scientific study of astronomy and for meeting of scientists and scholars for discussions and lectures.

Discovery of India : Discovery of India Exposition, a permanent unique exposition, covering every aspect of artistic, intellectual and philosophical attainment of India through ages, is depicted in 14 galleries which seeks to determine, true identity of the country.

Culture Wing : With a view to encourage young performing artists, the Culture Wing organises regular cultural programmes in all branches of performing arts, like dance, drama, music, etc.
Art Gallery : The Nehru Centre Art Gallery is dedicated to the promotion of young talent and provides a platform for them to exhibit their work along with that of eminent artists. 


Friday, January 28, 2011

Free Internet Fax Services | Guys use this services for your Online business and earn the investment over your expenses

Online Fax Services

Fax line is the current generation of fast and reliable service for your business. This is no non-sense, easy to use and a perfect example of the evolution of advanced computer technologies available in the market. There are several advantages of Internet faxing for different types of companies, especially those in the import and export industry. The following undoubtedly shed light on the above statement.
Lower Costs:
The cost of installing Internet fax is ridiculously low compared with the configuration of the traditional fax machine. You do not need an additional phone line as the system is integrated into your PC or laptop. It saves lots of money in terms of short and long term based on the requirements of fax. You can subscribe to a fax line with low cost monthly plan. You can also go for an annual plan in case you need to send more faxes to your customers.
Convenient & Portable:
Online fax is very convenient and easily accessible. Can be used at any time, wherever is the Internet. And these days, you can find links to the Internet all around the world. Since the web-based application provides an online fax portability, which is not available for fax, which is a physical limit. It's very convenient for people in import & export business, business who would want to have an easy accessibility and faster communication with the clients anywhere in the world.
Internet Fax is completely scalable to meet the needs of enterprises, whether large, small or indifferent. There are special rates available for large groups and also affordable packages for small groups.
Easier & Less Messy:
You get the same feeling with which a file attached to an e-mail in the fax line as well. You can attach an email TIF, JPG, PDF file to an email and send to the receiver. In this way, it saves a lot of paper, keep the cost of depreciation of fax and ink as well as staying away from the jams!
Email fax is smart, modern way of fax, reliable service and competitive for your business needs. You must try to believe the actual benefits of the system.

It is an easy replacement of conventional way of transmitting fax over telephone network. It allows sending and receiving of fax by email in a secured and convenient way. Every customer is given a unique fax number which is private, i.e. not shared by any other user, and completely secure, i.e. Transmission over the number is protected by highest security standards in the industry. Following is the start-to-end flow of the fax document through


The document sent or received through is transferred through a highly secure level-4 data center. Transmission over the internet is encrypted and sent over SSL making it double encrypted to thwart any man-in the middle attacks. Communication between the data center and the fax machine is over analog and therefore hack-proof telephone line. The document sent or received through is never stored on the data center servers. securely holds the document for just enough time that is required to transmit it securely to the designated fax machine or email inbox.


We have Added level of security with a firewall around the datacenter. The robust firewall permits only the secure and validated incoming and outgoing transmission requests through the system. Unwanted and unauthorized access requests are bounced by the firewall.

The data center is geo-distributed at two distinct locations that provide redundancy and protection over uncontrollable acts of God. Physical access to the data center is protected with biometric sensors, security cameras and secure access systems.

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Whats Up? Are you happy this January 2011?


It been so many days i have not written any posts as I was really bit busy last week due to some outdoor picnic and new ventures. Just thought why not just say Hi, Hello to you guys.

This January is really very cold this Winter Season. Isn'it?

Guys enjoy this month for your Winter. As very shortly i guess summer will start and we may again feel very needs on this Winter. Do what U want. Eating Ice Creams and Hot Food would be really a good idea to spend this January 2011.

Be in touch. I will come back very shortly with new comments.

Till then Take Care and Enjoy.

Friday, January 7, 2011

Reasons for Unhappiness | Deep Thinking will help to Live Life Happily

Every now and then I see the people unhappy with their Life, Partners, Bosses, Friends, Colleagues, Mates and so on.

What are the major reasons for unhappiness? You have the better answers. As every one has different problems so they have different answers for their problems. I have different and you have different. Now it depends on us how and when we try to solve our queries. I am sure that every one wants to make their life with easiness, lots of Happiness, Money, Fame, Trust, Properties and so on but just think what are the total % of peoples on this planet possess all these. I guess only 0.2 or 0.3 are the peoples on this earth who have all the happiness with them but still time comes when they also feel themselves in pain and unhappiness. Isn’t it true guys?

The best solution to your problem is don’t expect anything from anyone. Sometimes we expect lots and get nothing or very little which cause us the unhappiness. Just behave like a Mother who always loves and feed her Child without a single expectation. That sort of Love, Affections and Connections she has with her Children. The only solution to all your worries and unhappiness lies in the true LOVE and not expectation from all expectations. There are lots of ways but what I believe the most Important had shared with you. What you think? Is this OK?

Guys, also wish you a very Happy & Prosperous New Year 2011 with my deep heart.

Take Care and ALL THE BEST to get all those things which you have desired.
